GIAC food distribution

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, Cornell distributes 45 lb food boxes at GIAC from 1-4 containing non-perishables and sometimes perishables like frozen chicken cutlets, milk and cheese.  No application process, nothing to fill out! If you can’t make it to GIAC and need food, please respond to this email (please do not reply all) and weContinue reading “GIAC food distribution”

Food Bank of the Southern Tier – food distribution update email

Date: Wed, May 13, 2020 at 4:17 PM Subject: Community Food Distribution at TC3 on Thurs 5/21 Hello! The Food Bank of the Southern Tier will be hosting a drive-thru Community Food Distribution on Thursday, May 21 from 10am-12pm at TC3 in Dryden. Registration is required and will be open from 8am-4pm on Tues 5/19Continue reading “Food Bank of the Southern Tier – food distribution update email”

Friendship Donations Network Update Email

From: Friendship Donations Network Date: Fri, Apr 24, 2020 at 12:30 PM Subject: Fresh food and milk at YMCA until 5pm Follow for updates on when food is available at the Y. Typically, Monday and Friday 12–5pm. The FDN food hub at the YMCA will be open today (Friday, April 24th) from Noon-5:00PM. Today’sContinue reading “Friendship Donations Network Update Email”

Mutual Aid Tompkins – food resources/volunteers update email

Hello, One of our team members created this short guide for free food resources in Ithaca. We are seeking volunteers to help create more for each area of the county. if you are interested, please let us know. We have found that viewing the information for all the county can be a bit overwhelming forContinue reading “Mutual Aid Tompkins – food resources/volunteers update email”

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